30th IMIHO TWG Meeting – 12th Users Meeting

The 12th IMIHO Users’ Meeting took place on 26 Nov 19, hosted by Tbilisi and specifically in the LEPL Giorgi Abramishvili Ministry of Defense Military Hospital in Gori. SEDM Secretariat and representatives from Athens, Belgrade, Rome, Skopje, Sofia and Tbilisi participated in the event. The vision, ongoing and upcoming activities, as well as the functionality of the IMIHO portal were presented to key personnel of the Hospital. The delegations had the opportunity to engage in conversation and witness the high professional level of Hospital’s personnel during an informative tour, kindly arranged by the hosts.

The 30th IMIHO Technical Working Group Meeting was conducted between 27-28 Nov 19. During the event, the IMIHO Chairman elaborated on the significant progress and tangible outcomes achieved during the last months, as well as the planned way-ahead. A fruitful dialog produced several action items of common interest and benefits. Specific actions were decided, aiming at further enriching the IMIHO Portal, enhancing functions and services offered at no cost to users, including the Military Medical Archive, webinars and online medical training, both theoretical and practical. Furthermore, a new version of the IMIHO website is under development, with substantial results, by utilizing new internet technologies, open-source software, mobile technologies and based on best practices, lessons learned and user feedback.

The participants would like to express their gratitude to Tbilisi and Giorgi Abramishvili Ministry of Defense Military Hospital personnel for the excellent hospitality and superb organization of the event. Also, special thanks to SEDM Secretariat for the support, as well as all participants for the cordial cooperation.

We hope that these multinational activities will bring the national health care communities closer, provide an online medium for information and expertise exchange, while conducting training, fostering scientific and academic collaboration among professionals of the Health Care Institutions, serving Military personnel. 

The minutes are available in our website (registration required)

Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA)/Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi (GATA)

Gülhane Military Medical Academy of Ankara

Introduction – Mission

Ankara participates in IMIHO with the Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA)/Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi (GATA).

Gülhane Military Medical Academy is a unique military institution with scientific autonomy and trains military physicians and other health personnel for Turkish Armed Forces (TAF).

GMMA carries out scientific research and publications, gives vocational, undergraduate, and postgraduate training and education, and whose training hospitals serve as the tertiary reference centres for other military hospitals of TAF. GMMA also has residency and fellowship programs in all medical branches for physicians of the TAF and foreign countries in the training hospitals located in Ankara and Istanbul, which have 1200 and 1000-bed capacities respectively. The primary duty of the GMMA is to serve the needs of the TAF. GMMA pursues excellence in all its activities and also operates as an integral part of the national health care system. According to bilateral agreements; students from a wide range of countries are admitted to GMMA. Currently more than 100 international students enrolled to GMMA from Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Macedonia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Jordan.


GMMA was founded with the contributions of German physicians, Prof. R. Rieder, MD and Prof. G. Deycke, MD, as a modern hospital of the era under the name of Gülhane Military Practice School and Hospital in Istanbul on December 30, 1898. After serving at various locations in Istanbul and Ankara, it was transferred to its present modern campus in 1971. GMMA is composed of School of Medicine (founded in 1980), School of Nursing (founded in 1985), Noncommissioned Officer Health College (founded in 2002), Institution of Health Sciences, Centre of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering, Centre of Rehabilitation and Care, and two Training Hospitals located in Ankara and Istanbul.

Skopje Military Medical Centre

Military Medical Center of Skopje

Skopje participates in IMIHO with the Military Medical Center.

The Military Medical Centre provides protection and improvement of military personnel health, and consequently provides high level of combat readiness of the units, commands and centers of the Armed Forces.

The Military Medical Centre was founded on 11th January 2010, after the transformation of the Military Hospital.


  • Performance and control of preventive-medical activities, in the units and centers of the armed forces.
  • Primary health care of the military personnel and MoD employees.
  • Specialist health care of the personnel and MoD employees.
  • Field training activities of the units
    VIP persons and delegations from the country and abroad
  • Participation of the medical personnel in peacekeeping missions
  • Bearer of the accomplishment of the partnership goal to construct a Role-1 Mobile field hospital for medical support of the armed forces.
  • Medical training of the military personnel, as well as of members of NATO and PzM countries.

Peacekeeping missions​

Participation, with personnel, in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, as part of the Joint Medical Team from the Adriatic Charter countries in seven rotations, in the period between 2005 and 2009.

Participation, with personnel, in 13 rotations in the mission ALTEA/EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period between 2006 to present date.

Participation, with two officers for preventive medicine, in the EUFOR command.
Participation, with a surgical team, in the mission of ISAF – Afghanistan, as part of the Norwegian field hospital. This mission started in 2008.

Giorgi Abramishvili Military Hospital, Gori

Giorgi Military Hospital of Tbilisi

Introduction – Mission

Tbilisi participates in IMIHO with Military Hospital named after Giorgi Abramishvili located in town Gori.

The main aim of the Military Hospital is to provide complex and effective medical care for military servicemen employed in the Armed Forces, civilians employed in the civilian part of the Ministry of Defence, their family members and military pensioners.


The formation of the Military Hospital began from 1993 and was officially opened in April 1996. The hospital was named after Major-General A. Ramishvili who passed away in a car accident in January 1996. Before that, Ramishvili was the director of the hospital.

From 1998 the medical personnel of the hospital were undergoing the qualification courses in foreign advanced medical institutions.
Under the supervision of Colonel Rezo Kharchilava group of doctors and nurses were sent in Iraq under the peacekeeping mission in 2004.

In 2004, qualified and specialized treatment was provided to the military servicemen who were wounded in conflict regions during the combat actions.
Since 2005, based on the decision of the Ministry of Defence the structure of the Military Hospital was reorganized and the entity was moved from Tbilisi to Gori.

In 2013, the hospital was named after Giorgi Abramishvili, who was deceased in the yard of the Military Hospital after bombings conducted by the Russian Forces during the 2008 Russia-Georgia War.

Nowadays, the Military Hospital is situated in Gori. Complex includes 30924 square meters with 5 main buildings.

Sofia Military Medical Academy

Sofia Military Medical Academy

Introduction – Mission​

Sofia participates in IMIHO with Sofia Military Medical Academy.

Bulgaria has a medical service that is unique in its structure, order of subordination and abilities. All medical professionals who perform diagnostic and treatment activities are part of a system consisting of several hospitals situated in all country, called Military Medical Academy (MMA). MMA includes 8 (eight) hospitals: 5 (five) for active treatment in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Pleven, Sliven and 3 (three) for rehabilitation and prevention in Bankya, Hissar, Pomorie. In addition, all medical facilities in military units (Roles 1 according to NATO medical doctrine) are part of the MMA. There are also medical units for nuclear, biological and chemical protection, military medical expertise, mental health, hygienic and anti-epidemic support, medical reaction to crisis situations in the country and neighbor countries (see figure). Research departments and chairs conduct various research and education activities not only in military area but also for the needs of national healthcare. This complex, diverse and demanding tasks are performed by approximately 3,000 medical and non-medical professionals.


The main medical facility in MMA is Multi Profile Active Treatment Hospital – Sofia (MPHAT-Sofia). It is created by the government departmental hospital of national importance for providing outpatient and inpatient care to the Armed forces personnel and their families. It also provides military-scientific, military training and military expertise activities as well as medical care to civilian population under contracts with National Health Insurance Fund, private health insurance funds and other organizations. In addition, the hospital assumes about 30% of 24/7 emergency medical care in the capital.

The hospital is situated in the center of Sofia. It consists of an 18-storey main building and several auxiliary ones. It has a very good connection to the public transport road network in Sofia (Google map). The total area is 104,636 square meters and floor area is 33,152 square meters.

Today’s MPHAT-Sofia carries out all basic types of medical activity with the exception of pediatrics, obstetrics, cardiac surgery and radiotherapy. The hospital provides a full spectrum of medical services in the following areas:

  • Intensive therapy
  • Cardiology and functional diagnostic of cardiovascular system
  • Gastroenterology
  • Pulmonary medicine and endocrinology
  • Hematology, chemotherapy and oncology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Toxicology and allergology
  • Dermatology and venereology
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry
  • General surgery
  • Abdominal surgery
  • Endoscopic surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Vascular surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopedic, traumatology and plastic surgery
  • Urology, endourology and ESWT
  • ENT
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • General gynecology
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Clinical laboratory
  • Microbiology and virology
  • Immunology
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Transfusion hematology

The hospital includes: departments, clinics, laboratories, sectors, wards, hospital pharmacy, administration, economic block and outpatient diagnostic and consultative block. There are approximately 140,000 out-patient examinations and about 37,000 hospital admissions annually with over 800 beds available.
MPHAT-Sofia is one of the national leaders in resuscitation and intensive care, liver transplantation, endoscopic surgery, urology, orthopedics, ENT surgery, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, MRI tomography, three-dimensional ultrasound and others.

For more information visit the MMA website here (Bulgarian only)

Dr. Carol Davila Central Military Emergency University Hospital

"Dr. Carol Davila" Central Military Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest

Introduction – Mission

Bucharest participates in IMIHO with the “Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital.

“Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital is the only level I medico-military unit, according to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Order of the Romanian Government/National Committee of Hospital Accreditation no. 394/2012 regarding the approval of the list of accredited health units (published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 2/January 3rd, 2013), with a high level of competence which provides regional health care to the population from its administrative-territorial division and from surrounding counties, owing to the logistic, human and technical infrastructure detained.


On August 21st, 1862, by Princiary Order, signed by Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the Medical Officer Corp of the Army and General Directorate of Romanian Health Service were funded, attesting the military medicine as a specialized element for providing health care to armed forces personnel. Before this certification, the foundation for building modern military medicine was set, the main historical landmarks being as follows: On September 13th, 1831 – a lazaret is created, based on the regulation of the Romanian Principate „militia”, structure that would later become the Central Military Hospital.

Between 1831-1832, the Military Hospital will be settled initially at the Filantropia Hospital, then at Mărcuța Monastery and afterwards, at Beilic, the former palace of Turkish guests. Beginning with the autumn of 1834, the Military Hospital moved, for 25 years, at the Mihai Vodă Monastery. 

1851 – at the request of the hospital commander, the first permanent on-call service was funded, in order to provide emergency health care.

1853: Prince Barbu Știrbei entrusts the management of the hospital to French origin Doctor Carol Davila.

For 29 years, through dedication, organizational capacity, planning and valuation of opportunities, he elaborated the first modern regulation of the Hospital, structured to provide two organic functions: surgical and internal medicine health care. By means of his effort also, the material and logistic infrastructure are being built, equipping the medical facility for conditions of peace, but especially for war. Dr. Carol Davila laid the foundation for the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy, boosting the medical training and specialization process, based on study and scientific research.

1859-1889: the Military Hospital is located at Stirbei Vodă Street, proving its usefulness and intervention capabilities for the victims of the independence war in 1877-1878. After 1946, the Military Hospital will undergo an ample plan of transformation and adaptation to socio-professional demands, continuously maintaining a high professional level, despite the vicissitudes of the times. In this setting, teaching and scientific activity, together with dialogue with other military hospitals in the country and abroad, were continued, as well as with civilian hospitals and clinics.

The 1977 devastating earthquake and the 1989 Revolution were decisive in validation of both the medico-military infrastructure capacity and the intervention speed, by taking in and providing medical care for a large number of severely ill-patients.

Present and Perspectives

Currently, at “Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital we can talk about operationalization, based on indicators of performance and risk management, about a flexibile process of modernization and continuous improvement in efficacy of activities. According to CSAT Decision, the hospital provides healthcare for officials also. “Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital has also successfully provided medical care during the NATO Summit in Bucharest. 

The flow of knowledge transfer and professional expertise, from teachers to students, made in the last 180 years of existence of romanian military medicine, allowed for an easy elaboration, on sets of performance indicators, of almost any kind of programmatic document, subsumed to this field of activity, especially in innovation, research; and development, whose primary objective is to provide an increase in quality of life.
In this regard we must mention, beyond the permanent interest in training specialized medico-military personnel, the research-development projects conducted in the last years, whose aim was to gradually increase the organization’s response in situations of crisis and disasters, with benefits for the national security system.

In this setting it is worth highlighting a few complex projects, with impact on a national level, conducted in the last years in the benefit of the Ministry of Defense and of other institutions in the field of national security, whose goal was to gradually increase the reaction capacity in situations of crisis and disasters, as follows: “Selfcompactor disctractor in war-surgery of open fractures”, „Future soldier – integrated action system in the setting of NATO-WOTAN interoperability”, „Monitoring procedures – prevention and treatment of immune stress in politrauma patient with main lesional component – lesion of limbs in times of catastrophe and war”, „Systems of mixed internal and external equipment for emergency and afterwards treatment of open fractures with bone defect in conditions of catastrophe and war”, „Diagnosis preventive research and reducing the effect of ionizing radiations on healthy tissues”, „Computerized systems for evidence of antimicrobial drugs resistance of bacteria with potential use in bioterrorism”.

Research Partnerships

  • “Victor Babeș” National Institute for Research and Development in Pathology and Biomedical Sciences
  • “Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
  • “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” Oncologic Institute
  • “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Romanian Space Agency
  • Technical Military Academy
  • “Prof. Dr. N. Paulescu” Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disease
  • National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest-Măgurele
  • Politehnica University of Bucharest
  • “Dr. Marius Nasta” Institute of Pneumoftiziology
  • SC METAV Research and Development SA
  • “Cantacuzino” National Institute of Research and Development for Microbiology and Immunology
  • National Center of Programme Management

Celio Military Hospital

"Celio" Military Hospital of Rome


Rome participates in IMIHO with the “Celio” Military Hospital, located in Rome (Piazza Celimontana).

The Military Hospital of Rome is Military Health Unit of hospitalization and treatment , targeted at training on the job of his staff for health care in operations / training missions.

  • In this Hospital are, mainly, developed Battlefield Medical Branch, because Celio Military Hospital is both Role 4 for all operations, in Italy and worldwide, and Role 2 functions carrier out in many operative missions.
  • The Military Hospital of Rome mission is also diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of, mainly, active duty and retired military and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and the 1st degree family members.


The history of Celio military hospital began when Rome became the capital of the reign of Italy in 1870. The 15th july 1885 there was the laying of the foundation stone and on 20 may 1891 the hospital was completed. The war period of the world wars and the campaign of Africa early twenties sees the Military Hospital engaged in the shelter of the fighters evacuated from the front or from the Overseas Territories. In 1952 this hospital was entitled to “Attilio Friggeri” to honor the memory of the Gold Medal of this second lieutenant roman doctor died in command of a division of grenadiers on 3rd june 1942 at Slebic.

The hospital complex extends for 53.420 mq with a rectangular shape (300mx400m). Patients are accommodated in eight pavilions with a rectangular plan, with three floors, linked by a cantilever roof, in Art Nouveau style, without coverage. It’s important to underline also that within the area of the hospital there are the remains of a castra peregrinorum of the age of Romans.

Belgrade Military Medical Academy

Military Medical Academy of Belgrade

Introduction – Mission​​

Belgrade participates in IMIHO with the Military Medical Academy.

The Military Medical Academy (MMA) is a medical, educational and scientific-research institution with an internationally acknowledged reputation. As a military hos­pital with centralized care, the MMA can en­sure that a consultation meeting of the most skilled medical experts can be called up in 10 minutes to respond to any kind of medi­cal problems. It was established in 1844, and today, within its framework, it has the Medi­cal School committed to creating new genera­tions of military doctors. It is also recognized as a scientific research center of excellence.


Every March 2, the MMA celebrates the MMA’s Day to commemorate the day when the Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic is­sued the Decree on the establishment of the first Central Military Hospital. Since its establishment up to now, this military hospital in Belgrade has changed its lo­cation six times, growing gradually from the Danube Division Military Hospital and the Army District Principal Military Hospital to the Central Military Hospi­tal of the Yugoslav National Liberation Army and today’s edifice standing on the Banjica Hill.

The Military Medical Acad­emy was established in 1949. Eleven years later, in 1960, the Assembly of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia passed the Act on the Military Medical Academy. The construction of a new MMA’s building, one of the symbols of Belgrade, was completed in 1981. By the decision of the Republic of Serbia Gov­ernment taken on December 13, 2007, the Military Medical Academy has been functionally integrated into the National Health System with 40% of its capacities. That Agreement went into force on Janu­ary 1, 2008.


The MMA complex covers an area of 21 hectares contains 180.000 sq m hospital building divided in more than 60 differ­ent technical-technological entities with 6.000 premises and the capacity of 1200 beds.

The Military Medical Academy has 27 clin­ics and 17 institutes, the Specialist Outpa­tient Clinic, the Poison Control Center, the Emergency Department and the Solid Organ Transplantation Center performing more than 5000 diverse diagnostic and therapeutic pro­cedures. The MMA operates as a part of the Ministry of Defense. Thanks to its military organizational structure and commitment to providing the best, most comprehensive qual­ity medical care, it has been rewarded and recognized as a medical institution meeting the highest world standards. The MMA has always been opened to all our citizens, and since its recent full integration in the National Health System, it serves 40 percents of civil­ian patient population. Each year, it has more than 230.000 civilian outpatient visits, of which more than 20.000 result in hospital ad­missions. Furthermore, on Wednesdays, its Emergency Department operates round the clock providing comprehensive emergency response services to the whole population of Serbia.

The MMA is an ex­ample of successful international coopera­tion, and an active participant in numerous bilateral and multilateral activities in the spheres of civilian and military healthcare. There are numerous foreign delegation vis­its the MMA hosts almost every day, and the deployment of its medical personnel to peacekeeping missions is also considered very important.

Athens Naval Hospital

Naval Hospital of Athens

Introduction – Mission

The Navy Hospital of Athens (NNA) is the largest Navy Hospital in Greece, with a capacity of 234 beds. It is situated on Dinokratous 70, Athina, BO 115 21, at the foothill of Lycabettos.

The mission of the Athens Naval Hospital is:

  • Health care provision to Naval personnel, veterans and their families.
  • Training Civilian Physicians and Nurses in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  • Training of the Healthcare Personnel of the Hellenic Navy.
  • Scientific research.


Founded in 1948, it was first opened and operated in 1955. It was renovated and expanded in 1995 and since 2002 the new operation theater and the renovation of nursing wards and buildings have been put into operation.

NNA is financially supported for equipment and construction work, largely outside the state budget, from the Navy Fund and the National Fleet Fund.

It is the only Military Hospital, which was built and completed in its original form, with the financial support of its active and retired personnel. The beginning of the rebuilding works was in the first half of 1947, however the foundation stone was set on June 12, 1948. The outpatient clinics started operations on October 1, 1954. The first two surgical and pathological nursing units started on May 2, 1955 and the hospital’s inauguration took place in a formal ceremony in June 1955.

The Athens Navy Hospital, starting with capacity of 60-beds and through its successive extensions, repairs and adaptations which are still in progress, has reached a modern 234-bed Nursing Institution in its present form.

251 Air Force General Hospital

Hellenic Air Force 251 General Hospital

Introduction – Mission

Athens participates in IMIHO with the Hellenic Air Force 251 General Hospital.

Hellenic Air Force 251 General Hospital is Greece’s primary air force medical facility. It is situated on 3 P. Kanellopoulou Street, near 401 Military Hospital and the junction with Mesogion Avenue.

The 251 Airforce General Hospital mission is:

  • Health care provision to Airforce personnel, veterans and their families
  • Training of the Medical Staff of the Hellenic AirForce.
  • Training Civilian Doctors and Nurses in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  • Scientific Research


The first Greek Airforce hospital was founded in September 1942, in Cairo Egypt during the 2nd World War and it was set up in one of the wings of the Greek Community Hospital in Ambasia (Cairo).

 Following the repatriation of the Hellenic Airforce units in December 1944 the hospital was moved to Athens, and was housed in a building belonging to Italian Nun School at Kipseli (Athens) and as General Hospital of the Greek Royal Airforce and started to offer its services on the 24th March 1945. On February 1996 the Hospital was renamed as 251 Hellenic Airforce General Hospital (HAFGH) and ten years later was moved to its current location.