6th BMMC Congress was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, from 01 to 03 October, 2001. The congress was attended by three hundred (300) participants, while three hundred and twenty (320) scientific papers were presented.
9th BMMC Meeting was held in Pamporovo, Bulgaria between 5th and 7th October 2001. Turkish National Board presented the first draft of Congress Protocol. New BMMC emblem was prepared and presented by Greek National Board. The name of the previous proposed Joint Military Medical Unit was discussed and decided to be renamed as “Balkan Military Medical Unit of BMMC”.
Attendance of BMMC National Boards Presidents and Secretary Generals to International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) Congresses was discussed. It was decided to participate actively making a presentation about BMMU of BMMC and preparing brochures and a booth concerning BMMC history and activities at next ICMM Congress.