The 15th Interconnection of Military Hospitals (IMIHO) Users’ Meeting took place virtually on 8th December 2021, organized by Bucharest. Ms Daniela GRIGOROVA, SEDM Director opened the Meeting by emphasizing the importance of the Project and expressed his appreciation for tangible results and outputs, achieved so far, at no cost to nations. An IMIHO Awards Ceremony took place to honor individuals who distinguished themselves by providing valuable support and assistance to the activities of the Project. A Webinar on “IMIHO as an online multinational Research Collaboration Platform”, featuring an extensive program, composed of diverse and informational presentations on topics of common interest, moderated by the IMIHO Chairman. During the session, Nations proposed ideas on medical research topics, associated -directly or indirectly- with Military Medicine, with the purpose to identify research areas of common interest for future collaboration. Nations proposed specific research topics that will be distributed for further action. Presentation recordings and slides will be published to the IMIHO Portal. The 33rd IMIHO Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting took place virtually on 7 December 2021. During the event, the IMIHO Chairman elaborated on the significant progress and tangible outcomes achieved, as well as the planned way-ahead. A fruitful dialog produced several action items of common interest and benefits. Specific actions were decided, aiming at further enriching the IMIHO Portal, enhancing functions and services offered at no cost to users, including subprojects, webinars and online medical training, both theoretical and practical. Finally, preliminary planning took place pertaining to the “Establishment of Online Medical Services” Subproject, recently authorized by the SEDM Ministers. Finally, a post-deployment briefing on the new version (2) of the IMIHO Portal was presented. We hope that these multinational activities will bring the national health care communities closer, provide an online medium for information and expertise exchange, while conducting training, fostering scientific and academic collaboration among professionals of the Health Care Institutions, serving Military personnel. Finally, it is our hope that the Webinar and future activities will help towards bringing soon an end to the ongoing pandemic situation. The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the invaluable support of SEDM-CC/PMSC Director and Secretariat, to Bucharest personnel for their efforts to organize this event as well as all Presenters and Participants for their attendance.
The presentations and video recordings of the event are available here (registration required).